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2021³â 9¿ù, »õ ¸¶À½ »õ ¸®´õ½Ê°ú ÇÔ²², ACTS°¡ ÇÑ »ç¶÷À» ã±â ¿øÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

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ACTS, with a new heart and new leadership in Sep 2021, is now caring to seek a person who is poor, who is in prison, who is blind, who is oppressed, and above all who is mourning for the very fact that "I am a miserable sinner yet desire to touch the righteousness of the Kingdom of God." 'Cause ACTS would simply love to walk along the Way together with such a  certain person who is really eager for tasting the year of the LORD's favor and so living out his/her life for God and neighbors in this wound-filled land. With such a willing and joyous spirit ACTS is wholeheartedly committed to serving you. May the Spirit-filled living characters today ever since Acts 28 have contiously been called in ACTS here and sent out to the world there. With all boldness and without hindrance!

It is so grateful that every single member of ACTS family - student, alumnus, staff, faculty, and board member of directors - wants to join together constantly in prayer for 5 mins. each day from today to Sep. 14 for having new ACTS members to come in March 2022.
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