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Interruption of Power Supply on 4/27 and 28
ID Dormitory Date 2013-04-08 11:16:59
Title Interruption of Power Supply on 4/27 and 28


There will be suspension of power supply in the campus on 4/27 and 28, to add a transformer to accomodate the increased consumption of power due to auditorium construction. Please be cautious about safety accidents against sudden power stoppage.
1. Stoppage time : 2013-4-27 08:00 ~ 4-28 16 : 00 (2 days)
2. Affected facilities : all buildings in the campus.
3. Department : Ground and Facility Team,  Mr. Lee Kwang Ho (031-770-7766)
4. A small generator will be in operation for Women's Dorm lights, for Dining and Campus Store's refrigerators, and for Mission Hall's security system and computers.
5. On 4/26 (Fri), please stop using computers after 16:00. ACTS homepage will be shut down.
6. Fortuately, Dining Hall will continue food service.
7. Library service will be stopped on 4/27 and 28, but reading room on the 3rd floor will be open after 4pm on 4/28(Sun)

Thank you,
Ground and Facility Team
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