ACTS Graduate School is a theological, educational institution which is evangelical, ecumenical, and international in nature. The School focuses on theological research in professional areas and is devoted to training diverse field leaders for evangelism in Asia. To meet these various goals, ACTS offers the following academic degrees: Ph.D., Th.M, M.A., and integrated Th.M.-Ph.D.
The vision of ACTS Graduate School of Theology (or Seminary) is based on the educational ideals of theocentrism and evangelicalism and is committed to training future church pastors in Korea and the world. The students will be equipped with knowledge in both theoretical theology and practical theology so that they may well develop their leadership qualities and skills in the field of pastoral ministry. As an evangelical seminary, ACTS is established on the foundation of orthodox biblical truth. As an interdenominational institution, ACTS values church unity, as signified by the term “unity” in the Korean name for ACTS. As an international community, the ACTS vision is to focus on producing global pastors and missionaries. The Th.M. program for Expository Preaching is scheduled for daytime on Monday. The Master of Divinity program has two separate language tracks: Korean and English. The Korean track is scheduled only for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The English track (for international students) is scheduled for daytime, Monday through Friday. For more information, please call 031-770-7812~3 or visit
ACTS Graduate School of Intercultural Studies is a graduate school that was established with an aspiration for church unity by 293 Korean churches from all over the world. The School of Intercultural Studies as the central department for ACTS mission strives for the goal of world evangelization. It is comprised of 34 mission institutes, which correspond to 24 countries and regions for which the ACTS professors serve as researchers. Research, education, and consulting are the three functions of the School of Intercultural Studies. Moreover, the School of Intercultural Studies seeks through means such as “prayer mission” and “koinonia mission” to facilitate cross-cultural mission in this modern age, and to ultimately contribute to the world evangelization.
1. Research in religion, culture, history, and language of the target countries for the Master program
2. Training for mission to a target country during enrollment period.
3. Research and mission partnership with particular countries in connection with the mission institutes of ACTS.
ACTS Graduate School of Education was founded with the hope of establishing an educational philosophy based on Christian ideals. The vision of the School of Education is to serve Christian teachers who will raise up the future generations who are influenced by the Christian worldview. Since 1989, the School of Education has been offering two programs-Counseling and Curriculum which are specialized in accordance with ACTS vision. Moreover, in response to major changes in Korean school system since 1990’s, the School of Education has been organically relating to the so-called alternative schools, as well as Christian schools, and is committed to the re-education of teachers. ACTS has long aimed at globalization and has already put into effect the Multi-Cultural Educational system. Such experience in specialized administration of multi-cultural education has led to the School offering a Multi-cultural Education track. As a result, the field educators are expected to get better understandings about Multi-Cultural Education.
The goal of the Graduate School of Counseling is to produce counselors who are equipped with counseling theory and skills, as well as qualified in personal character. In this modern age, when the family structure is crumbling and the society finds itself increasingly in crisis, the goal of the School of Counseling is to train counseling specialists who can effectively deal with problems in marriage, parents-children relationship, and teenager issues. Family Counseling Department is committed to equip the students with technical knowledge and skills for family counseling, in addition to the general theory of counseling.
Christian Counseling Department is committed to equip the students with faith-based skills in counseling, and to produce professional counselors who would work at diverse organizations in church or society.
ACTS Graduate School of Welfare aims to serve the welfare of the society in accordance with the Christian worldview. The School of Welfare pursues the welfare of the society, not from the perspective of human-centeredness, but from God-centeredness. Today, Christianity in Korea is challenged to respond to an ever-changing pluralistic society. We live in an era of multi-cultural society, new emergence of the poor, polarization between the poor and the rich, low birth rate, and aging society. The contemporary church is faced with the ever-increasing demand for social responsibility and problem-solving. As a part of regional society, the church must form a personal relationship with society, collaborating with their various constituents. Only with this paradigm shift toward regional community, the church can convincingly present the gospel to the pluralistic contemporary society. Having nurtured and produced many Christian social welfare specialists to serve the local communities, ACTS Graduate School of Welfare now awaits the future students who will share our commission to serve the society.